Lisé & Scott at Sequoia de O’

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ïsuite or ïSuite

We thought we were being creatively unique, not realizing our bubble shares the same stratosphere as the planet, when we pursued a series of new Ïsuite softwares, which were focused upon making life easier for consumers who are fortunate enough to own sufficiently reliable computers. We spent numerous hours devising new softwares, and I share only a select few below.

Clam-Clan Rock Row. Why there? Why now? i-figure: a software program that contains many of the Kosmos' natural mysteries. Lets you: go figure the meaning of it all.

Ïfigure: placing you in the midst of figuring life out… What do you most want to figure out?

i-write/right/Wright, a program dedicated to righting the wrongs of historical reference in educational institutions, in this series of software, all the wrongs in historical books shall be righted and your children and the future of America can move forward to correcting those wrongs, instead of hiding them. The Wright brothers were not the first airplane in flight, oh no, it was…. As you can see, we write the right Wright history!


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