On 'As Above, So Below'
For instance, I approached the concept of “As above, so below.” originally as a very young man (ten or twelve), and when I read it I immediately looked above my head and at the floor and saw neither the same and thus thought it gibberish. I do not think this same reaction does not occur for others.
A while later, when in my twenties, I reread that phrase and thought, hmm…so what is outside the planet is within the planet, and then I said, well, it would all then be nothing more than space and there would be no planet, or if outside were like inside the earth—molten hot lava (is it?)—then it would all be sun—and so discounted it a second time.
Recently, I came to the realization that as the earth’s electromagnetic core releases energy that creates a field around the earth protecting it from the harmful cosmic radiation the earth would be unable to process without severe damage to living forms otherwise, that it also creates a field generating electricity penetrating the tops of trees and then eventually releasing through the roots of those trees. Scientists wonder where that electricity goes, without being able to sufficiently measure it, but, I suspect as do others, that it returns to the core from whence it emanated. Thus, as without, so within (an evolution or development of as above, so below—which I think has not been translated effectively enough to convey the true meaning from what is arguably an Egyptian source initially (and perhaps predating them), and at least translated from Greek or Latin. Yet, there is also the notion of interplanetary dust, a recorded phenomenon, along with Remote Viewing and asteroids, comets and strings or any other theory of everything (I would include helixical fractality of life in this list), that speaks to another way of seeing.
Therefore, as withal, so without is equally relevant to as without so within, and, in fact, neither can exist without the other for life to continue. Now, perhaps, in the initial wording, all of this was conveyed, but, I do not see it, even when reexamining the words, for there is too much to try to add on to the words that stand as they are, even though words do have soul as I see it, which explains why some immediately resonated with this term and always will. Sometimes the soul of the words is lost in translation and sometimes not.
Yes. As above, so below. Why would I so passionately defend these words, if not for their soul, which goes far beyond, and more deeply into the words themselves… than any words could ever describe. Our discussion was that, I thought that the words, themselves, were JUST FINE!!! What about the words doesn’t open itself to re-visioning? Nothing. What about the words needs re-visioning? To my mind, equally nothing. So, I will tell the anecdotal story of what resonated with me when I first heard the words. I was not 10 but rather, 10 and 10 – sometime in my early discovery of holism; and upon hearing the words, I never for once actually thought unidirectionally – above me and below me. Rather, the words touched within me the desire to explore in earnest my first substantive exploration of parallel patterns in the universe. And so, I started to look at the similarities between black stars and quasars with what was being described phenomenologically in the realm of quantum physics, and I thought: well, if there is the possibility of a release of energy at the largest and the smallest ( you see, As above, so below, never resonated with me as directional, but immediately, I saw the concept as applying to the spatial equivalents of high and low…) then what must that mean for in between -- was how I articulated what I would consider to be my most thoughtful college paper at the time… And even in between – in the center of things – was vertical and horizontal and more and less and the words – as above so below, were a funnel, an energetic vortex, an INVITATION… into a way at looking at parallel patterns in every aspect of the universe and consciousness that I still use today. And so, I guess that, at the end of the day, because the words themselves had so a profound effect upon the development of my Walk – before I understood, even the Eqgyptian, hermetical significance of the words – they, to me, represent something like an ancient “plant” that is embedded in the brain, which when activated, begins the search. No, the words are not sufficient in and of themselves for communicating the “truths of the universe.” Rather, they are a heremeutical key, which, for some reason, activates an ancient, deep and emotional response that says: don’t change a word. They are perfect, just as they are. With no rational explanation to back this up. Only the myriad of reflections and inspirations that the words, just as they are, touch in me that are capable of taking me on an endless journey of wonder.
As without, so within, in the microcosmic sense; and as withal so within in the macrocosmic sense, resonate much more with me, while as above, so below resonates with my wife, Lisé, and that is fine. They mean the same thing, metaphorically, they point to the same end, an undefinable equation or situation. We do not have to agree on everything and often find small particularities with which we disagree. Yet, I would offer the three sentences, one after another in random order in a double blind experiment, to see how others react; for we cannot say that simply my way or her way is best; nor that of the ancient wisdom as being necessary in its original wording (as in only those who learn the antique languages can really ever know the deeper truths for otherwise we who read them after translation read also the interpretation of another’s views that may be disconsonant with our own).
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