house issues
We face an entire remodel of the house after discovering subterranean termite and rotten greenplate damage that boggles the mind!
AND, this discovery comes right on the heels of completing 8.5 out of 10 rooms worth of remodeling, as well as approximately 90% of the remodeling inside done, and, most of the outside landscaping and building of studio, storage sheds, deck, etc., done.
Thus, we are embroiled in a legal battle that is only beginning, while our living room is utterly gutted, termite-infested redwood authentic 2”x4” boards girding a cracked concrete slab poured in 1950 or so.
Therefore, the updates have been short in coming, as I wade through the arduous tasks at hand, which relatively a short time ago included working on the house and a Ph.D. in mythology studies.
Life’s Force,
Scott Michael Potter
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