Tarot Piece
And fill the cups with divine guidance to thwart the negative from gaining
Too much ground with the shields as perfect defenses, defenseless,
But full of energies related to the task at hand
More than a simple request for absolution at the hands of a perceived deity
More than the loss of innocence at realizing reality
More than the more of whatever one could imagine as being beyond…
I see the truth in the cards and the ambiguity and the uncertainty and I know not what anything is for, and yet, I am sensing a direction, if only because a path is ahead and I must take a step—must choose, and so why not with the guidance of the spears, the swords, the fool, the cups, with divine guidance defending as it renders me defenseless.
Why not indeed?
Yet…a squeaky voice utters from amidst the cracks of the veneer…
There is no tomorrow when today we are, as there is no future in seeing the past alone
For in that loneliness no weapons or their adherents shall protect adequately from the trials sure
To overtake and overcome those ready not for the ride that is sure to embark
As a journey of endurance-testing and enwombed sacrifice
Life, for life is that which takes us
Without breath and forewarning…
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