Playing on Aflighted LoveWings
Brief respite from chill and song
Tan to red no matter
Here we posit what turns into us
Letters combining to form words of puzzling soulfulness
That song sung emanates and vibrates between and among us two
It’s amazing to me how the colors blend into next colors
As our moods do the same
As we switch from game to game
Exemplary of life’s play
To stoop into where we go when we play
Is to alter not merely the play of carriage
But to engage in playful other porridge
As in all cases of learning new play
Or so the three bears constellation may say
In order to tame the name that lames splendors
And where do we skip to next?
Which new game, new play
To the predictions, insights of the Tarot
Connecting with the archetypal energies that are part and parcel
Of Our Universal Soul – our Collective Consciousness
Whether conscious or unconscious matters not
Yet a holographic model of the fractal entwining—
A helixical construction not simply two, as in love there are three,
Or in communication, multiplicities of which we know no end,
Or in a mirror with even just one wasted and an image seen forever—
Surrounds the surround so that what we hound is not found,
Until it is given up, the logos forgotten and the mythos re-membered,
The mythos sublimated within the logos
And then they both find their emanation in the driving force of humanity:
Poesis—herein lies the secret of the keys to both logos and mythos…
And in Love, like but not just like she loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
In like and not like, what’s love got to do with it
Which the gods only help us if it is not heard
As a plea and a challenge rather as the mere cynical truth
In like Love as the most powerful of the triumvirate of Wisdom, Power and…
In like Love, as the glue of the trinity of mother father son
which Is the Logos and the Mythos that is begging of re-membering
Not as it has been force-fed generation after generation, but in the freedom
Of the helixical construction that it was always meant to be for us to re-imagine
I am a mere monk in remembrance of you the sage
I whittle into sculptures intricate whose designs touch your surface
I wax as the sun wanes afire in your eyes
I whisper eros as a windswept passion erupts within you to ravage mountains
I, I, I, yes, aye, love thee in ununderstandable ways and perfectly sane ones too
You come to me upon the solar winds unimpeded by a vanishing electromagnetism
You scorch my love with your spirited fire as nothing higher finds perch
You warn me of singeing wings, of melting wax
You sing of waves and sparkling flecks
You, you, you, yes, yeah, all of you is not enough but too much for one moment
I know not what words to say that in gesture are quite clearer and still not enough
I reduce not whittle into sculptures our love in the cracks of our spooning
In the spaces where I consume you and you me
In the empty spaces where we are each left to be and respond to the other without heat
Ha! Without heat, if that were even possible
Mr. and Mrs. Combustible!
Yeah, but, when whittling into various shapes and images I go,
Thou dost first know, when eyes light upon that visage that somehow
What spooned in combustible cracks deliriously the eve before is not the same
And yet it continues in its cycles, as dost my love—combustibly thou!
More is it that I feel you and I in our cyclical ebbs and flows,
In our beingness that conforms not to the equations commonly given…
Chaos covers it not, nor does quantum physics, not system process,
Nor string or m, nor does the idea of a holographic reality of untold
Proportions and immense dimensions of only matter or mind…
Nay, for they all forget or neglect the interrelational nature
Of the helixical fractality of life—and this we know as only metaphor
And still much more than mere metaphor, for we see it constantly
In not only the third we interweave, but also Sequoia de O’ and so on…
It moves, we move, and in-between, beyond, throughout and among is more movement
Some we cannot and some we can explain—and so it will always be…
There is no only mind and matter, only the highest cause of causality
Unless one wants to bank all of their mentality on Change!