RebornAntic Frock Us!
Taking next steps in the sweetness of jasmine and honeysuckle
New gardens linking to old gardens birthing old and new aside
As communion draws closer is here past and present drawing now something more
Crashing plopping sizzling and emissions like casino slots fill the room….
A rainbow magically appears within minutes of Lisé’s beckoning wish…
The photograph belies not the beauty perhaps marred by the patrol car pullover of seniors…or it could have been because the bright sunpatch filled in with sunstuffing clouds…
Rainbows, we’ll have one please!
Miracles appear almost instantly and
How blessed are Scott and I to be living like this
Together here in this place and time
With our Third directing the unfoldment of Sequoia de O’
Now wheneven momentarily whereeventide brightens luminescently multivalent
Sing to me
Breeze of whateven does howeven it will
Sing to me
Songsfull soulfilling sweet soulsister essence Lisé…
Treesblend into leavesbending and hearts mending mourn all their deaths
Whomsoeven enleaves after deleaving sing to me
Treesbreathe over leaveslending as parts tending torn in hairbreadths
Sorrowful woods and frantic fraughtfilled forest
Rending reboantic fracas, the din in my ear, moot